Mathematics & Statistics Department

About the Department

The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1970 with 60 students in MPC group. In the year 1990 an other 60 students joined in MPCs group. A new group MSCs,( Mathematics, Statistics, Computer science) was started in the year 2020-21.

The following new courses of B.Sc. have been started in the year 2021-22.

  • Mathematics, Statistics, Data Sciences (MSDs).
  • Mathematics, Computer Science and Data Science (MCsDs).
  • Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science (MCCs).

The faculty is committed to provide quality education to the students. The Mathematics department organizes seminars, extension lectures & National Mathematics Day every year to create awareness & interest among students. The faculty members also attend National, International and State level Seminars, Webinars, Conferences and workshops.


  • To provide an environment where students can learn, and enhance their competence in using mathematics, and understand the applications of mathematics in artificial intelligence, banking and other high-end advanced technologies.


  • To provide quality education and inculcate knowledge of mathematics to students, empower them by nurturing a close interaction with the faculty and regular student mentoring.
  • To enable the students to discover the joy of learning mathematics and empower them with awareness of contemporary applications of mathematics in high-end advanced technologies.


1. Mr. T. Amar Singh M.Sc, B.Ed Assistant Professor 15
2. Mrs. M. Sunitha M.Sc, B.Ed Assistant Professor 8
3. Mrs. T. Shirisha M.Sc Assistant Professor 6
4. Ms. C. A. Gauthami Yadav M.Sc Assistant Professor 2

Events of the Department

  • Activities
  • Avatar
  • Seminars/Webinars
  • FDPs/Workshops
  • Industrial Visit

    Department of Statistics

    Organized a field trip on April 19th, 2023, for students of BSc I year, II year & III year to visit the production unit of “Gramee Naturals”.

    The purpose of this visit was to provide students with practical experience in conducting surveys and to demonstrate the real-life applications of statistics.

    The industry workers provided an explanation to the students about the processes involved in manufacturing and packing oil and flour.

    Students Conducted A Survey

    The students conducted a comprehensive survey, gathering data on factors such as the number of workers, average annual production, annual defective items, machine count, and various other relevant information. They then analyzed this information and formulated a questionnaire.

    Data Collected By The Students

    1. The industry manufactures organic products based on the customer feedback annually. The following is the past 6 years data of manufacturing products.

    Years 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
    Products (Manufactured) 5000 8076 10800 8000 7500 9650

    2. An average no. of defectives of an industry of past 6 years data is as follows:

    X 1 2 3 4 5 6
    No. of Defectives 216 107 497 1600 326 187

    Analysis Done By The Students

    Interaction of Students with Human Resource Professional

    The Human Resource Professional department engaged in a detailed discussion with the students regarding the industry's profit margins, annual income and expenditures, growth trajectory, and the organic manufacturing process.

    In conclusion, the students acquired practical experience in conducting real surveys and learned how data collection contributes to statistical applications in real-world scenarios. They also gained insights into the potential uses and analysis of statistical data.

  • Other Events
  • Mous

Achievements of the department

  • Staff Achievements
  • Seminar on “Being Industry ready with System modeling Skills”
    Mr. T. Amar Singh, Assistant Professor from the Department of Mathematics has attended a one day Seminar on “Being Industry ready with System modeling Skills” on 1st June 2024 conducted by Math works Event.

    • A feed back report of the One day faculty workshop for ‘Material Sciences’ organized by Osmania Graduates Association
    • A feed back report of the One day faculty workshop for ‘Material Sciences’ organized by Osmania Graduates Association

      Date: 20th July 2024

      Participants:: Physical sciences faculty members of Sardar Patel college, Secunderabad.

      A full day workshop on Material Sciences’ organized by Osmania Graduates Association and held at Golden jubilee hall, exhibition grounds, Osmania University on 20th July, 2024 was attended by all the 16 faculty members of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer sciences.

      The workshop comprised of three lectures on computer science, mathematics and NEP. Prof. G. Prasad's (Department of Physics) lecture focused on the integration of computational science with physics. The lecture covered fundamental concepts and practical applications of computational methods in solving complex physical problems.The key topics were role computational methods in computational physics, applications of computational science in various fields of physics, simulators, software tools and programming languages used in computational science that can be applied in other fields. Prof. Prasad helped us realize that a great onus lies on teachers and being a visionary greatly helps in the long run. He explained how simulators could help learning of difficult and abstract things He mentioned that simulation tools and coding programs etc could be the topics of interest and relevance in the next 20 years.

      The second lecture was given by Prof. Surender Reddy from Department of Mathematics in a chalk and talk pattern.. His lecture on group theory that included finite and infinite groups, symmetry groups enabled us to realize the relevance of group theory in explaining symmetry in physical systems and helped us know about the application of group theory concepts to solve mathematical and scientific problems and understand the use of mathematics in online shopping.

      Prof. Shivraj from Department of Chemistry, OU delivered the third and the final lecture on Quality education-Quality teachers-perspectives from NEP-2020 in the the post lunch session. The lecture was on the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 with a focus on quality education and the role of teachers in achieving this goal. The lecture highlighted the reforms proposed by NEP 2020 to enhance the educational system in India. The session highlighted the main aims of National education policy (NEP), which are to encourage and promote creativity and innovation, leadership qualities, research ability, values and good attitudes, social exposure and physical education. The lecture also highlighted about pedagogy and its role in evolving education into and enjoyable and experiential learning with conceptual clarity through field visits, promoting learning activities and making it more discussion based.

      Although the chemistry component was missing in this material science workshop, a few points like NRF(National Research Foundation), ‘update yourself if you do not want to be outdated’ were a few nice take aways from prof. Shivraj’s lecture. We look forward to attend more such workshops in the future, with lectures on nanomaterials, advancements in nanotechnology, their role in sustainability etc which are more pertinent to the theme of the workshop and the present day scenario.